Non catégorisé

Good to know

Madagascar is primarily a cash-driven economy. Though most hotels and resorts accept credit cards, most shops and restaurants are cash only. The government changed the currency from the Malagasy Franc (FMG) to the Ariary (MGA) several years ago, however, many Malagasy still think in terms of FMG (1 Ariary = 5 FMG). ATMs are available in mains cities and at the international terminal airport.

++ For private aircraft

Landing permit for private aircraft is required to apply for an entry visa.

Please send a request for the permit to the "Directeur Général de l’Aviation Civile de Madagascar", 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

tel. +261 32 05 841 55  or +261 20 22 459 09.

+ + Filming permit


Any filming project carried out in Madagascar must be subject to prior authorization of:

  • The Ivontoeran’ny Sarimihetsika sy Sarimiaina Malagasy (ISSM) for any film shooting project;
  • Jointly with the Ministry in charge of Communication and the ISSM for any filming project related to reports, documentaries and journalistic work purposes.

Requirements documents for the production company and / or the television channel concerned in three (03) copies each:

  • A filming authorization request to the Minister of Communication and Culture;
  • A duly filled corpus collected from the ISSM or requested by email at the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or downloaded from the site ;
  • The synopsis or the script of the work being filmed;
  • The detailed schedule of the shooting;
  • A letter explaining the purpose and the destination of the work resulting from the shooting and the methods of filming financing with the supporting documents, such as the contract with the television channel, certificate from the television channel, etc.

Filming authorization form (télécharger)

++ Pet travel


  • Processing time of the complete request takes ten (10) days and must be submitted prior the departure.
  • Please have the following documents handy upon your arrival:
  • Photocopy of animal identification booklet,
  • Photocopy of current vaccination record, passport or animal identification booklet with vaccination stickers,
  • Serological test result of rabies for dogs and/or cats;
  • Receipt or proof payment of a fee of 30,000 Ariary per pet, to be paid at the Livestock Fund (Fonds de l’Elevage).
  • Upon arrival of the animal, a veterinary check by the border inspection unit will be done along with a check on the conformity of the documents.
  • Should the animal present health issues or if the documents do not comply, the animal will be placed in quarantine or euthanized or returned to the exporting country.
  • More information on the procedures regarding import and export of animals and products of animal origin can be visited at the following link

BP 291 – Ampandrianomby

101 Antananarivo (Madagascar)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tél : +261 20 22 665 36

Fax : +261 20 22 665 34

 + + Vaccination

  • Yellow fever: vaccination is required if you  travelled from an infected area. 
  • Cholera: vaccination is recommended for travelers of over six months of age, when coming from and infected area. The certificate must be valid for a period of six months beginning six days after the vaccination date, or the same day in case of revaccination during the initial six month period.
  • Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A is usually benign. We suggest international traveler to get his vaccination for a better protection.
  • Malaria: We recommend International traveler to consult his physician for proper prevention. There is a risk of Malaria all year long in the country.

++ Customs

Import :

  • Firearms: requires an import authorization from the Ministry of the Interior
  • Pets: requires a valid U.S.-issued vaccination certificate (obtainable from the animal’s veterinarian).
  • CITES[1] -restricted animals: requires a CITES import permit from the Ministry in charge of the Environment.

Export :

  • Fossils or CITES-restricted animals or plants: requires an export permit from the Ministry in charge of the Environment
  • Vanilla beans: allowed up to 2kg
  • Coffee: allowed up to 1kg
  • Pepper: allowed up to 1kg
  • Gemstones: allowed up to 1kg with proof of currency exchange transactions not exceeding the value of the stones.


[1] CITES is the “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”, an international agreement between governments whose aim is to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.

Contact and survey

We want to hear from your experience with the Embassy.