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Export in the United States

Madagascar is a member of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which provides unilateral preferential access to the U.S. market for more than 1800 products. In 2019, Madagascar was the 83rd U.S. supplier of goods, while the U.S. was the 2nd largest Malagasy goods export market.  

Madagascar is mainly exporting the following products to the United States:

Useful links :


- Ministry of Trade and Industry of Madagascar

- Madagascar’s Chamber of Commerce (link).

- AMCHAM (link).

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) :

-          Information about AGOA.

-          Madagascar National AGOA Strategy

U.S. market requirements:


-          Daily Values used for FDA Nutrition Labeling 


-          USDA's APHIS fresh Fruits and Vegetables Import Requirements 


-          USDA's APHIS International Regulations for Animal Exports


-          FDA-regulated food into the United States


-          USDA, APHIS foreign service offices abroad


Invest in Madagascar



++ Invest in Madagascar !

An island of opportunities! Madagascar is blessed with natural resources. Not only it holds large surfaces of arable land, but the immensity of its marine territory provides an excellent source of business opportunities in the fishing and tourism industries, the region is indeed surrounded by 5000km of coastline with pristine beaches. The island, which boasts an exceptional and endemic fauna and flora, owns a significant wealth of mining resources and provides a young population renowned for its skills.

Learn more about investing in Madagagascar with the Economic Development Board of Madagascar

++ Why madagascar?
  • Ideally located at the gates of Africa and in the heart of the Indian Ocean, with an access to 600 million consumers
  • Preferential market access to U.S. and European Union markets. 
  • Multiple investment opportunities thanks to high potential areas. 
  • Competitive factor costs. 
  • Legal and fiscal frameworks that foster investment. 
  • Governemental commitment to build structural projects related to infrastructure and renewable energy sources. 
  • Unrivaled natural resources.
++ Key investments sectors

+++ Invest in Madagascar  


Export in the United States


Madagascar is a member of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which provides unilateral preferential access to the U.S. market for more than 1800 products. In 2019, Madagascar was the 83rd U.S. supplier of goods, while the U.S. was the 2nd largest Malagasy goods export market.  

Madagascar is mainly exporting the following products to the United States: